Our planet Earth is a very beautiful place. Here, all the living organisms are dependent on each other and live together. We, humans, are considered as the most intelligent species on Earth. But, we sometimes become very insensitive to the creatures who cannot express themselves, especially the animals. We harm them just to fulfill our needs.

    Stop Animal Cruelty Poster w/ Paw Print Human Hand | Zazzle.com
    Animals, just like human beings, deserve a peaceful life. Animals are an important part of our ecosystem and are very useful to us. But, we sometimes forget that they are also living creatures. We keep on harassing them and these poor creatures can’t even express their feelings and grief. Cruelty towards animals has become an international matter of concern. This needs to be addressed as soon as possible and should be eliminated forever.

    We become cruel towards animals for two reasons – one to fulfill our needs and the other for fun. We use animals for their fur, their skin, their meat, their teeth, and horns too. Sometimes, we apply colors on them which harm their skin, we also burn crackers without thinking about them. Sometimes, the tea-shop keeper pours the hot water on the street dogs, which is a great example of cruel behavior towards the animals.

    Abuse/Neglect - Humane Society International
    Fair Oaks Farms animal abuse: Accused worker out of ICE custody, plea deal  hinted
    The Horrors Of Animal Cruelty
    It is high time now that we stop abusing these poor animals. They are also living beings and are very very important to us as without them the whole ecosystem will disbalance. We should raise awareness and stop these cruelties against animals.


    2 girls defining love

    I L O V E M E I L O V E Y O U



    by neshren adams

    Love is like a drug because of how addicting it is.

    Love is not always about the intimate parts.

    Love is when someone makes you happy when no one else can.

    Love is loving someone without even trying.

    Love is when they would do anything just to be with you.

    Love is when it feels like home when you are with them.

    Love has the power to heal our deepest wounds.

    It’s about being with someone who accepts your weirdness.

    Don’t be afraid to fall in love and to risk it all for that love, you only live once, so go ahead and ask that person out, you might not know what’s gonna happen.


    by Cielo Butalon

    Love should always feel safe. A healthy love, whether romantic or platonic, allows you to grow and evolve as a human being.

    A healthy love listens, shows support, guides, provides encouragement and security. Do not chase a love that stays in the illusion phase because true love requires consistency, vulnerability, and goodwill.

    Living in an illusion can drift you into loneliness. Loneliness favors unhealthy habits and addictions. Love can be many things in this world, but it should never be manipulative, selfish, or discouraging.

    When you find someone who is love, real love, hold on to them. Those who know what love truly is will never make you feel less than or take away from you the opportunity to grow and express your needs as a human being.

    Stop waiting around for someone to fall in love with you. Because any love you find in a season of desperation is going to reek of mediocrity.

    There is so much more this life has to offer you than a romantic relationship.

    There are mountains to be climbed, friendships to be made, fields to flourish in.

    There are an infinite amount of opportunities waiting for your arrival.

    Sweet friend, go out in this world and fall deeply in love with yourself. Find what it is that fuels you. Bask in your boundlessness. Be yourself, authentically and unapologetically. And once you’ve soaked in your singleness, once you’ve leaped to new levels, love will surely find you because you have first- found love in yourself.

    February is often known for being a month dedicated to and all about love. But February is not only about valentines and sweethearts; instead, it can also be a month for self-love and self-care, fostering relationships with family and friends, and loving others.

    Self-love is about intentionally taking care of yourself and who you are. It’s about getting enough rest and giving yourself the time, love, and attention to recharge your mind, body, heart, and soul. When you find yourself stressed out, impatient, and irritable with others, take time out for yourself.

    Love your loved ones.

    In a month filled with gifts and poems and other romantic gestures, it’s easy to get a little anxious about whether you’ve found the perfect way to show someone that you care. But it all doesn’t have to be about the size of a gift or the amount that you spend – simple acts can go a long way.

    Leave a loving note on the kitchen counter next to the coffee pot. Stop by the grocery store for a bouquet of flowers – just because it’s a Tuesday. Say that you love your loved ones – every.single.day. Family and life are precious, so don’t wait for the 14th of the month to say it out loud.

    Be sure to celebrate the month of love by spending plenty of time with family.

    Spread love to others

    Actively taking the time to focus on being your best self and focusing on your family and friends enables you to be more compassionate and giving, and to love others in a better way. Give blood at an upcoming blood drive. Start spring cleaning early and donate your unused or outgrown clothing to a shelter or organization in need. No good deed can be too small.

    February is a month to celebrate our most treasured relationships. So, take time this February to focus on all the ways you can do this, and see all the reasons it’s known as the month of love.

    We hope you soak in your solitude. We hope you learn to celebrate your singleness. We hope you selfishly use every lasting second of your life to discover all the things that make your heartbeat deeper. We hope you go on long walks and look at birds and trees and We hope you fantasize about all your future dreams. We hope you meet people that make you smile and teach you new things. We hope you lay in parks and listen to people laugh, and children play, and We hope you feel inspired by the constant chatter of life. We hope you connect deeper with yourself and finally express the creativity that’s been boiling inside of you. We hope you find more love and We hope you fall out of love, let go of love, and laugh and cry at every inconvenience in between. We hope you learn to love life on your own terms. We hope you awaken your most authentic self. We hope you discover all the things that excite you. We hope you remember to hold space for yourself.

    love cielo and neshren


    Technology as a tool of social change

    In today’s technology, information can now be rapidly transferred around the globe. While immigration may be fueling population shifts in wealthy nations, technology is fueling the growth of the business and consumption flows around the world. Historically, worker mobility was a critical human resource variable that involved changing physical presence. Today, worker mobility may mean as little as someone working on a computer at a different location. Increasingly, there is no longer even the need for such activity to take place synchronously. 

    The power of technology can be momentous and its impact may not always be fully visible from the start of its implementation.  Often its relevance bubbles under the surface. A testament to the importance of technology is broadband internet. As an indicator of technological development, the number of fixed broadband subscribers matters since a high number of subscribers per capita usually indicates a high level of technology. Advanced economies tend to have the most broadband subscribers which is most reflective of business capabilities. By contrast, the number of subscribers in many developing economies, such as Burkina Faso and Afghanistan, is currently effectively zero. Thus, technologies tend to be most evolved in advanced economies and least evolved in developing economies. The distinction is important because technology is critical to entrepreneurship, productivity, innovation, national economic vitality, and superior living standards.

    Technological developments over the past decade have led to dramatic changes in the way people think about communication and information sharing. Mobile telephone subscriptions worldwide keep rising greatly and contribute the largest share of worldwide sales in the consumer electronics sector. Many mature markets have over 100 percent mobile penetration (meaning that some owners have more than one phone, not that all members of that market’s population own a phone).

    Technological advances lead to greater information sharing worldwide and allow for new equipment to be more sophisticated and perform more functions at a lower cost. More intelligent and accurate control equipment can bring energy efficiency and large cost savings. As we look at the world marketplace, our planning should focus more on technology. With more technology, even poor countries can become more efficient and successful. Enhanced with the power of financial remittances and acquisition of innovation from countries around the world, technology should become the watchword for the future.


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